Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Have you suffered a severe spinal cord injury? For more than three decades, our firm has successfully litigated landmark injury cases. If you have injured your spinal cord in an accident, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (888) 348-8855 for a free, confidential consultation.

Our Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers Can Help Rebuild Your Future

One of the most life-altering injuries a person can sustain in an accident is damage to the spinal cord. Auto and sporting accidents, trips and falls, and unsafe lifting and twisting in the workplace can cause a spinal cord injury in seconds and change a person’s life forever. If the injury is severe, it can be life-threatening or cause permanent paralysis, which can be complicated and costly.

Due to the spinal cord’s delicate nature, most injuries present a plethora of nerve-related impairments and medical issues ranging from mobility and sensory impairments, to bone loss and organ failure. The after math generally entails a lengthy rehabilitation process that can be painful and overwhelming for even the strongest individuals. Even with the best of care, many spinal cord victims become forever dependent on the care and support of family, friends and skilled medical professionals.

Success in a Spinal Cord Injury Cases

At Robinson Calcagnie, Inc., we understand the difficulties you may be struggling with to overcome a spinal cord injury. As a national leader in personal injury law, we have helped spinal injury clients obtain the compensation they deserve and regain their lives after suffering. Many of our clients have gone on to retain the best medical care available, advanced rehabilitation therapies,and to provide financially for themselves and their families.

Spinal Cord Litigation: Confidential Multimillion-Dollar Settlement in Buchanan v. Shimano

Robinson Calcagnie, Inc. represented Mr. Buchanan,  who became a quadriplegic following a bicycle accident caused by a defective brake. Mr. Buchanan was an avid cyclist who was passionate about competitive sports. One day, he was riding with a group of cyclists in Carson, California. After applying his brakes, Mr. Buchanan’s front brake and mounting bolt broke free from the bicycle fork. The brake became entangled in the front wheel causing the bike to suddenly stop. Mr. Buchanan was thrown forward onto the pavement, landing on his head and injuring his cervical vertebrae and spinal cord, causing quadriplegia. Robinson Calcagnie, Inc. filed a lawsuit on Mr. Buchanan’s behalf against the bicycle maker, Shimano, claiming the company was negligent in the manufacturing of the brake. Mr. Buchanan received a confidential, multimillion-dollar settlement for damages, for future medical care, and for his family.

The Importance of Obtaining Legal Support

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury due to another party’s careless act, please contact our office today at (888) 348-8855 to speak to one of our qualified legal representatives. All potential case evaluations are confidential and free. Your rights are important, and must be addressed within the time limit your state allows for bringing legal action against the responsible party. You may be entitled to compensation for economic and non-economic damages including past and future medical bills, rehabilitation, lost wages, and emotional pain and suffering. If you would like an in-person consultation but are unable to travel, we can arrange to meet at your home or medical facility.

What is a Spinal Cord Injury?

The spinal cord is a delicate bundle of nerves enclosed in the spinal column, which runs from the base of the neck to the waist area. The spinal column consists of 31 connected vertebrae that form a semi-protective barrier for the spinal cord, which is responsible for transmitting signals between the brain and the rest of the body. When the spinal column suffers a traumatic blow or other extreme force, the spinal cord can be torn, crushed or severed. The injury can be fatal or cause permanent paralysis depending on the level, type and severity.

The level of the injury is indicated at the point where the spinal cord was damaged. It is below this point that sensory and movement functions disappear.

The type describes the condition of the injured person.If the spinal cord injury occurs around the mid chest or below, individuals may suffer paraplegia, which is full or partial loss of motor, sensory and organ functions in the lower extremities and trunk. If the injury occurs in the neck area, individuals may suffer from quadriplegia, which is impairment or full loss of feeling from the neck down. All spinal injuries are unique, resulting in various combinations of symptoms.

The severity of the injury is described as being either complete, where almost all ability to feel and move are lost; or incomplete, where some sensory or motor function below the damaged area remains.

Spinal Cord Complications

Due to the unique nature of spinal cord injuries, each one produces its own combination of complications. Some are subtle, while others are clearly evident.

Some of the most common spinal cord injury complications include:

  • Loss of movement and/or sensation in some or all body parts below the neck;
  • Inability to cough or clear the lungs, increasing the threat of pneumonia or other lung problems;
  • Bowel dysfunction causing a lack of bowel and sphincter control;
  • Urinary tract and kidney infections, which can lead to blood poisoning;
  • Circulatory problems leading to blood clots, blood pressure and body temperature issues;
  • Respiratory insufficiency requiring the use of a ventilator to breathe;
  • Impaired sexual function including lack of sensitivity and fertility;
  • Substantial bone loss (osteoporosis) increasing the risk of fractures and breaks;
  • Muscle atrophy leading to metabolic changes such as insulin resistance, gastrointestinal problems, skeletal and muscular problems, and cardiovascular issues;
  • Spasticity leading to uncontrolled tightening of leg and arm muscles;
  • Flaccidity (loss of muscle tone) leading to limpness and weakness;
  • Chronic pain or stinging sensations due to damaged nerve fibers;
  • Pressure ulcers that swell, bleed and cause chronic pain; and
  • Psychological effects such as depression and anxiety due to the overwhelming demands of living with a spinal cord injury.

Life after a Spinal Cord Injury

Depending on the extent of the injury, a spinal cord victim can be subjected to years of costly and challenging treatments and rehabilitation therapies. This usually requires the services of physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitation nurses and psychologists, dietitians, speech and recreation therapists, and social workers.

Long-term treatment and rehabilitation methods include:

  • Surgery to remove bone fragments, stabilize the spine, and prevent deformities;
  • Traction to immobilize the spine;
  • Respiratory therapy to aid with breathing;
  • Electrical stimulation device use to help produce bodily actions;
  • Controlled electronic aids to help with everyday needs such as talking and eating;
  • Robotic therapy to enhance motor function;
  • Experimental treatments to prevent cell death;
  • Medications to control pain and bodily functions;
  • Wheelchair use, and vehicle modifications for driving;
  • Home modifications including ramps, low level sinks, safety bars and wider doorways; and
  • Educational therapy to improve societal integration.

It’s also common for those suffering with spinal cord injuries to face a period of mourning, tremendous stress, the difficult task of regaining social connections, as well as high medical costs. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the estimated lifetime cost for spine injury treatment and rehabilitation is between $500,000 and $3 million, depending on the severity of the injury. This figure does not include lost wages.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you or a loved one suffered a spinal cord injury due to another party’s negligence or other wrongdoing, please contact us today to discuss your legal rights and options during your free, confidential evaluation.

Robinson Calcagnie, Inc. is currently assisting victims of the Palisades Fire and the Eaton Fire. Click Here for More Information.